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Posted or Updated on 13 Jan 2022
After a practice merger, patients will need to reconnect with the GP practice, this can be done by following the below steps:
1. Delete your account
If you are still able to log in to the NHS App on your mobile device, please do so, then select More (in the top-right corner), then NHS login, then Delete NHS login.
If you are unable to log in to the NHS App on your mobile device, please visit the website via the following link:
For security reasons, you will need to log in with your usual NHS login credentials. Once logged in, you will then be able to delete your account.
2. Create a new account via the NHS App
Once your login has been deleted, re-open the NHS App, select 'Continue with NHS login' and follow the on-screen instructions, registering using photo ID or by selecting 'How to prove who you are without sending a photo of your I.D.', then select 'Yes – I use online services'. On the following screen, select 'Yes – I have all 3 details' and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your registration.'
Please note, if you do not have photo ID, you will need to request 3 pieces of information from your surgery, your account ID, a “linkage key” (this may also be called a “passphrase”) and their Organisation Code 'B83008'
Once your online access is approved, you will then be able to re-connect to the surgery through the NHS App."
These are the steps that NHS Digital advise any NHS App user who's practice has recently had a system change/merger. This should resolve your issue.