Contact us online - If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online. Submit a new request.

You can also use the NHS App to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services:

Text from image: NHS App. Book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services
Our Appointment System
NHS England believe that online patient triage is the most effective way that the NHS can sustain a safe and accessible service for all patients based on clinical need.
This change should make it easier to submit requests to the practice and ensure that requests are seen by the most appropriate member of staff and dealt with in an appropriate timeframe.
The benefits of using patient triage are:
- Easy to access
- The surgery might be able to help more quickly and easily e.g. with text message advice or prescription, or referring you directly to an appropriate service
- Those who need appointments most will be prioritised, rather than those who got through on the phones first
AccuRX is a quick and simple online triage form to triage all routine and urgent appointment requests and to assist you with medical and administrative queries. This will be accessed through this website, or alternatively via the NHS app as Accurx is automatically integrated with the app.
All requests for appointments submitted between the triage opening times of 8.30am to 1.30pm (Monday - Friday) will be reviewed by our triaging team. Patients will be offered an appointment within the right time frame, the right Clinician and via the right method (face to face, telephone, online).
You will be able to receive help, advice and treatment for your health problems at a convenient time for you and your lifestyle.
Patients will be able to access safe and efficient advice for lots of health conditions and symptoms on our AccuRx Patient Triage website 24/7.
If you need further advice or think you may require treatment you will be able to consult with your GP online. All you need to do is fill out a simple form about your problem and a GP will get back to you within 2 working days.
You can also request sick certificates (sick/fit notes), discuss recent tests or get help for other administrative issues at a time that is convenient for you.
Your GP will text or email you back within 2 working days, unless a different method of contact is more appropriate. Please ensure we have a verified email address and telephone number saved on your record so your GP is able to get back to you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Patient Triage?
Patient Triage uses quick a simple online form which patients fill in when they wish to contact the surgery. For medical issues it contains 3 questions, which should only take a few minutes to fill in. Whether you visit in person or contact us by phone our patient support team will no longer be directly booking your appointment.
What if I do not have access to the internet or struggle to complete forms?
Our practice phone lines will remain open for appointments, please speak to our reception team who will pass your request onto the triaging team.
What if English is not my main spoken language?
In the same way that clinicians frequently use an official translation service on the phone, the patient support team will also be able to access this if the patient they are speaking to is on the phone or in person in the surgery.
Will I get an appointment quicker if I speak to reception instead?
The answer is no. When you speak with the reception team, they will pass your request to the triaging team and they will respond within 2 working days with an appropriate appointment. If it is an emergency, patients will be seen within the same day.
What happens after I submit a query for a medical issue to the practice?
Medical queries will be submitted to our triage team. A member of the team will respond to you within 2 working days. Conditions that need to be assessed on the same day will be prioritised. The triage team may send you a request for further information.
What happens if I need an urgent appointment?
We will continue to have a duty doctor every day to deal with emergencies. Conditions that require a same day assessment will be booked in on the same day or directed to an appropriate service. A member of our triage team will contact you directly to arrange an appointment.
What if I have more than one medical issue that I need help with?
Please only submit one medical issue per AccuRx Patient Triage form, so that you can add sufficient detail for each problem, to allow our GPs to appropriately deal with your request. We do not recommend sending multiple forms in on the same day as we need to ensure that resources are shared equitably.
How do I submit an admin query?
There is an option to submit an admin query on the online form for general administrative issues such as requesting a letter from a doctor and fit notes. A member of the Triage Team will respond to you within 5 working days.
Will the patient still have a choice of which Clinician they see?
There is an option to specify which Clinician the patient would like to see. We will try to meet this request, availability permitting.
Nurse, blood test appointments and Health Care Assistant Appointments can be booked by filling in a form, by phoning us or at the reception desk.
When you ring us the receptionist will try to help you but they may need to ask a few questions to sort out the best way to do so. Please do not blame the receptionists if the doctor is running late for your appointment or if they are unable to offer you just what you want. Even if you are feeling stressed please do not take it out on the receptionist.
Pharmacy Service
You can now go directly to a Pharmacist for support with:
- Medication reviews/re-authorisations
- Acute prescription requests
- Medication queries
- Liaising with all local pharmacies
- In-house medicines advice
Contact your GP reception team to book an appointment.
Cancelling or changing an appointment
If you can not make your appointment let us know as soon as you can so another patient can book the appointment time. You can cancel or change your appointment:
If you need help when we are closed
- Use NHS 111 online ( or call 111. 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
- Out of hours information
- If it’s a life-threatening emergency call 999.